The sky is falling and this little chicken is very worried!
Join our courageous chicken who needs to let everyone know there is a problem! Acorns are raining from the sky and an umbrella just isn’t strong enough! Chicken Licken is joined by his brave group of friends Ducky Lucky, Turkey Lurkey and Goosey Loosey. What will Foxy Loxy have to say about it all?
Live music, songs, puppetry and fun combine to tell this classic tale by Hiccup Theatre, in collaboration with Derby Theatre and Polka Theatre.
Suitable for audiences age 3+, and their families and friends.
From the same team that brought you Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Emperor’s New Clothes, Little Red, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Gingerbread Man, audiences can expect beautiful puppetry, fantastic storytelling, amazing live music and original songs.
All performances include integrated BSL, creative captions and integrated audio description.
Reserve now, pay later. Get tickets at the Schools’ price of ONLY £12 per ticket PLUS one free ticket with every 10 purchased. (Booking available over the phone on 01332 593939.)
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Accessible Performance Information

Goosey Loosey
Henny Penny
Ducky Lucky
Chicken Licken
Foxy Loxy / Turkey Lurkey
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Get Involved
Dramatic Play Sessions for Early Years Settings |
Join Chicken Licken as he worries that the sky will fall! Our child-led dramatic play sessions offer a range of resources and mindful activities designed to help children express their feelings through the joy of imagination and creativity. These sessions can be tailored to your theatre or setting, ensuring a meaningful experience for all.
- Cost: £150 per half day (includes up to 3 sessions)
Book by emailing: