Simon Raven presents

Delayed Captain

A Rehearsed Reading

Fri 7 Jul, 2023
A musical re-interpretation of Brian Eno’s classic ambient album, Music for Airports, re-envisioned for the budget airline experience. Songs written on a budget keyboard and beach guitar relate the mixed joys of budget air travel to bipolar mood cycles, from grandiose ‘flights of imagination’ to the 'cancelled flight' of depression.

Delays and cancellations produce a spontaneous theatre of panic, frustration or resigned humour. One might experience distinct phases of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. How do we pacify and entertain ourselves when unfortunate circumstances intervene to spoil our plans?

Delayed Captain was developed during an a(st)audio residency at Primary Studios, Nottingham, supported by a-n, the artist’s information company.

Simon Raven (b.1978, Gotham, Nottingham) studied BFA Ruskin School, Oxford (2002); MA Sculpture, Royal College of Art (2004). My work in music, performance and other media is informed by lived experience of Bipolar 2, a condition characterised by extreme mood cycles. I recently undertook PhD research into disability art (Northumbria University) but paused my research due to illness.

NOTE: Booking NOT required


Derby Theatre, Upper Foyer


Time: 1:00pm
Performance duration: 1 hour


Standard: Free