
Full Frontal Lobe

Tue 20 June, 2023
Lizzy Lenco is not right in the head and has the MRI to prove it. She brings mosh pit energy to the stage with her surreal tales of near death, heavy metal and cake.

Full Frontal Lobe is an honest and hilarious show about coming to terms with disability. Combining comedy, song and audience participation, the show addresses important topics such as body image, heavy metal and cake. Lizzy Lenco pokes fun at the way we react to people with disabilities whilst recognising that no one has a perfect body.

“Brilliant comedy, got the perfect balance, sharing an emotional story with dark comedy and light-humour. Really engaging performer. I loved the singing.” – Golden Goose Theatre, March 2023

Content Warning
It is a show about a car crash
There is some swearing
There is no nudity
There may be cake ….

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Normanton Library


Time: 7.30pm




Discussion on body image and body positivity with performer, Lizzy Lenco.