Reimagine: Family Creatives

Puppet Theatre Tutorial 4 – How To Create Action

Published Tuesday 30th June 2020
In week four, watch how to create the action on stage, guided by theatre designer and artist Connie.

You Will Need:

1) Some plain paper or card

2) Your puppet theatre box from video 1

3) Scissors

4) Colouring pens or pencils

5) A pen or pencil for drawing lines

6) String

7) Tape

IDEA ONE – How to Create a Backdrop

Reimagine Family Creatives Week 4 Image 1

Step 1 – Draw round your puppet theatre on the card. This will ensure the backdrop is exactly the right size.

Step 2 – Cut it out. Draw your backdrop on the card – this will how the audience where the action is taking place.

Step 3 – Colour it in and repeat as many times as you like for different places!

IDEA TWO – Pop-Ups and Drop-Ins

Reimagine Family Creatives Week 4 Image 2

Attach string to set pieces you create so they can pop-up from behind objects.

Do this by taping the string on the side you won’t see.

IDEA THREE – Use Layers

Reimagine Family Creatives Week 4 Image 3

Create backdrops, pop-ups and drop-ins which add layers to your action – these different reveals can help the action move from place to place!

Tune in for the final video How To Film Your Creation and find out how to share your creations with us.

Song – When It’s Over by Lucy James

You could create a response to this fantastic song by our Plus One ambassador Lucy to make the action for your puppet theatre.

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