“Food is a gift. Something you give to others. A privilege. An excuse to be with the ones you love.”
Back home, the mouth-watering flavours and aromas of traditional Peruvian cooking was forbidden in Pepa’s home. Except when Grandma would sneak in a steak and some spices. In England, Pepa found herself on a journey, a journey inside herself, to discover that food could be shared with a new family around a new table. And you are invited to taste it. Through her own experiences, Duarte takes us on an exciting journey that will make us reflect on our own relationship with food.
Bienvenidxs to Pepa’s table (A Fight Against, Royal Court), as she prepares you a traditional Peruvian soup whilst leading you through a powerful story of food, family and traditions.
/"Captivating, marvellous, enjoyable and unique. Duarte’s physicality throughout the performance is breathtaking and her comedic timing Is impeccable"Theatre and Other Things LDN
/"Duarte sparkles on stage and the honesty behind her performance is undeniable"The Upcoming
/"A well-crafted piece of theatrical storytelling … nourishing and created with a great deal of heart and soul"The Spy in the Stalls
/"Duarte’s exploration of food (from every angle) is warm, generous and asks all the right questions"The Reviews Hub
/"A brave and deeply personal account of one woman’s complicated relationship with food, family and heritage"A Younger Theatre
/"Duarte's writing is balanced and truthful. Pepa is charismatic and effortlessly engaging. Her warm and welcoming stage presence is unlike others I have witnessed before"The North West UK