Presented by SDJ Productions, originally developed for BBC Radio 4, co-produced by Theatre Royal, Plymouth


A new dark comedy by Shôn Dale-Jones

Sat 2 Mar, 2024 Archive
Cracking is a dark and comic story that blends fiction and reality into one seamless whole.

When the world goes mad, do we inevitably go mad too?

When Shôn playfully cracks an egg on his mother’s head, he has no idea real-life internet trolls will appear on his doorstep. Cracking takes on the battle between love and hate, asking what’s funny and where we draw the line.

Part stand-up, part theatre Cracking is a funny, touching and thought-provoking solo performance that sews together fact and fiction into one seamless whole making us wonder what’s real, what’s not and what’s gone wrong.

This story about love and hatred celebrates how searching for connection beats disconnecting. Cracking is a heart-warming and uplifting comic story about loving in the face of hatred.




Time: 8:00pm
Performance duration: 75 minutes (no interval)
Age guidance: 14+
Advisories: Contains Strong Language