Fifth Word presents

Liberation Squares

A rehearsed reading of our new play in development by Sonali Bhattacharyya

Fri 7 Jul, 2023 Archive
Liberation Squares is about British Muslim schoolgirls, whose adolescence is as complex, infuriating and joyous as any other teenagers, but with the added complications of Islamophobia and cultural erasure.

Three teenage girls undergo a political awakening. Taking inspiration for previous generations of young people who’ve stood up against harassment, violence and surveillance, they plan their own local act of resistance.

Liberation Squares puts young female agency centre stage, while exploring the particular challenges faced by young Muslim women, plus wider themes including protest movements, gentrification, Islamophobia, and the government’s controversial ‘Prevent’ programme.

This production is followed by a round-table discussion with audience members and special guests.


Derby Theatre, Community Hub


Time: 6:15pm
Performance duration: 2 hours 15 minutes
Age guidance: 12+
Advisories: Strong language and use of racial slurs.