Equal Opportunity Name(Required) First Last Your name will only be used for positive action purposes.Where are you currently from?(Required)**Required**East MidlandsWest MidlandsLondonEast of EnglandNorth EastNorth WestNorthern IrelandScotlandSouth EastSouth WestWalesYorkshire and the HumberPrefer Not to sayOtherWhat is your age?(Required)**Required**0-1920-3435-4950-6465-7475+Prefer Not to sayNot KnownWhat is your Ethnicity?(Required)**Required**ArabAsian or British Asian - IndianAsian or British Asian - PakistaniAsian or British Asian - BangladeshiAsian or British Asian - ChineseAsian or British Asian - OtherBlack or Black British - AfricanBlack or Black British - CaribbeanBlack or Black British - OtherLatinXMixed - Asian and WhiteMixed - Black African and WhiteMixed - Black Caribbean and WhiteMixed - OtherWhite - BritishWhite - IrishWhite - Gypsy or Irish TravellerWhite - CaribbeanWhite - OtherAny other Ethnic backgroundPrefer Not to sayNot knownWhat is your highest level of qualification?(Required)**Required**No formal qualificationsSecondary school levelESOL/Literacy qualificationFurther education (AS, A Level or NVQ)Higher Education (Graduate)Higher Education (Post Graduate and Doctorate)Vocational TrainingPrefer Not to sayOtherDo you consider yourself to have a disability or a long-term health condition?(Required) No Blind / Visual Impairment d/Deaf or Hearing Impairment Learning Difficulty Mental Health Mobility Speech Impairment Neurodivergent Prefer Not to say Other How would you describe your sexual orientation?(Required)**Required**Bi ManBi WomanGay ManGay Woman / LesbianHeterosexual / StraightQueer+Prefer Not to sayOtherIs your gender identity the same as the sex assigned to you at birth?(Required)**Required**YesNoPrefer Not to sayWhat is your religion / belief system?(Required)**Required**BuddhistChristianHinduJewishMuslimSikhNon religious (atheist, humanist, etc)Prefer Not to sayOtherDo you have caring responsibilities?(Required) No Primary carer for a child or children under the age of 18 Primary carer for a child or children with disabilities Primary carer for an adult with disabilities Primary carer for an older person(s) Secondary carer Prefer Not to say Other What type of school did you go to?(Required)**Required**A state run or funded school - non selectiveA state run or funded school - selectiveIndependent/fee paying schoolIndependent/fee paying school on a scholarshipPrefer Not to sayOtherWere you eligible for Free school meals at any time during your school years?(Required)**Required**YesNoDon't KnowNot Applicable (finished school before 1980 or went to school overseas)Prefer Not to sayWhat was the highest level of qualification of your parents / care givers?(Required)**Required**No formal qualificationsSecondary school levelESOL/Literacy qualificationFurther education (AS, A Level or NVQ)Higher Education (Graduate)Higher Education (Post Graduate and Doctorate)Vocational TrainingPrefer Not to sayOtherPlease select the occupation of your highest earning parent / care giver when you were 14 years old(Required)**Required**Modern Professional Occupations (teacher/lecturer, nurse, physio therapist, social worker, artist, police officer, software designer)Clerical and Intermediate occupations (secretary, personal assistant, office clerk, call centre agent, nursery nurse)Senior Managers and Administrators (usually responsible for planning, organising and coordinating work such as... finance managers, chief executives, ect)Technical and Craft Occupations (mechanic, plumber, printer, tool-maker, gardener, train driver)Semi-routine Manual and Service Occupations (postal worker, machine operative, security guard, care-taker, farm worker, catering assistant, receptionist, sales assistant)Routine Manual and Service Occupations (HGV driver, cleaner, packer, sewing machinist, labourer, waiter, bar staff)Middle or Junior ManagersTraditional Professional Occupations (solicitor, accountant, medical practitioner, scientist, engineer)Self-EmployedShort Term Unemployed (claimed unemployment benefit for a year or less)Long Term Unemployed (claimed unemployment benefit for more than a year)RetiredNot ApplicableNot KnownPrefer Not to sayOther