An Evening with Clive Myrie and James Rodgers

As part of Derby Book Festival

Mon 29 Jul, 2024

View Dates and Book

Mon 29th July, 7.30pm
Price: £16.50
One of the UK’s best-known presenters of BBC news and current affairs, Clive Myrie dreamt of being a journalist from his teenage years as a Bolton paperboy, reading all the newspapers cover to cover. He has reported on many of the major global stories for thirty years, most recently from Ukraine, he is also the host of Mastermind and has presented series on travelling in Italy and about the Caribbean.

His deeply personal memoir, Everything is Everything, recounts his family history and how this has influenced his view of the world. The child of Windrush generation parents, his great grandfather helped build the Panama Canal, whilst a great uncle fought in the First World War and later became a prominent Jamaican police detective. Proud of his roots, but determined not to be defined by his background, he reflects on how being black has affected his perspective on the issues he’s reported on.

Clive will be in conversation with his former colleague James Rodgers, a journalist and BBC Foreign Correspondent for 20 years reporting from Moscow, Brussels, Gaza, post 9/11 New York and Washington and the Iraq war. Since 2012, he has taught Journalism at City, University of London, lecturing on the History of Journalism and the Reporting of Armed Conflict. His latest book, Assignment Moscow: Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin, tells the story of western news coverage of Russia, from the reporting of the revolutions of 1917, through the Stalin era, to the Chernobyl explosion and the Salisbury poison scandal, and how these accounts have been a huge influence on how the West understands Russia.

Please note: This ticket includes a post-show book signing with Clive Myrie. 


Main House


Time: 7.30pm
Performance duration: 1 hour & 30 minutes


Standard: £15 (plus £1.50 booking fee)

View Dates and Book

Mon 29th July, 7.30pm
Price: £16.50