Her Time to Play
by Emma Penney
Her Time to Play is a powerful play that delves into the challenges faced by women in football, shedding light on the obstacles they overcome both on and off the field. Through the stories of female athletes, it explores the strength, determination, and passion required to thrive in a sport traditionally dominated by men. The play emphasises the importance of representation, breaking societal norms, and the relentless pursuit of equality in sports. At its core, it celebrates what it means to be a woman in football –shaping the future of the game.
**Each performance of Her Time to Play will have live creative captions throughout.
My Name is Rachel Corrie
by Holly Alton
I have been developing a project that explores the role of yoga in supporting actors before a performance. This production serves as a test of its effectiveness.
My Name is Rachel Corrie is a solo performance that delves into intense emotions and complex themes. Through this project, I have been examining how yoga can help me navigate these challenges and sustain my well-being throughout the performance.