Derby Theatre to offer free tickets to say ‘thank you’ with the gift of live theatre

Published Wednesday 5th May 2021
To celebrate our reopening we're thrilled to be offering 500 free tickets for members of the public to nominate someone they know to say ‘thank you’ with the gift of live theatre.

Nominations open for members of the public

To celebrate the reopening of Derby Theatre, and live performance returning to our stages, the Theatre is thrilled to be offering 500 free tickets for members of the public to nominate someone they know to say ‘thank you’ with the gift of live theatre.

Since the pandemic emerged in March 2020, it has been an extraordinary and challenging time for everyone, affecting people in many different ways, but it has also been a time where people have shown a huge amount of support and empathy for others through incredible acts of kindness.

March 2020 also saw our beloved venue close its doors, and live performance cease, but as we now look forward to a brighter future and reopening our doors to the public, we would like to mark the occasion.

The Theatre will be offering members of the public the chance to acknowledge how much they appreciate someone, and to say a big thank you, by nominating them to receive free tickets to see a Derby Theatre family show during 2021.

Sarah Brigham (Artistic Director and CEO, Derby Theatre) said:

“This year has been challenging for everyone, but one thing that has been fantastic to see during the pandemic is that sense of community, and those people who have gone the extra mile in supporting others.  

As a theatre that sits at the heart of our community, we want to help you say thank you for those acts of kindness. 

You may want to thank someone for walking your dog during lockdown, helping to home school your children, doing your weekly shopping, tending your garden, picking up a prescription, cooking and dropping off a meal, or for simply just being there to chat to, to calm your fears and make you laugh.

Whatever the reason, we would like to hear from you and how someone’s small act of kindness has made a big difference to you.”

How to nominate someone

To nominate someone, all you need to do is email

Nominations can either be provided in written form, in a video, via audio (e.g. a voice note) or in BSL (British Sign Language).

With your nomination, please provide us with:

– Your name, address and email

– The name of the person you would like to nominate, plus their address and email (if you have them).

– What you would like to nominate them for, why and what a difference it has made to you (two paragraphs maximum).

– When sending your nomination, please clearly state that it is in relation to the ‘Derby Theatre Thank You performances nomination’ in the email subject line.

– For video or audio files over 10MB, please send to via WeTransfer.

Send a nomination

Closing Date

The closing date for nominations is Friday 21 May 2021 at 5pm.


All nominations will be assessed by an independent panel of people associated with the Theatre.

Free Tickets

The selected nominees will then receive 4 free tickets to see a performance of The Wind in the Willows this summer or Treasure Island this Christmas. Successful nominees will be informed, via the person who nominated them, by 5pm on Wednesday 26 May 2021.

Find out more about The Wind in the Willows