Devising the Future Open Conversation – Follow Up Statement

Published Monday 15th Jun 2020

During Devising the Future, our recent open Zoom conversation for artists, Sarah Brigham posed the following questions…

1) The “now” looks very different. What are we doing well and what should we doing more of with and for artists?

2) The future will look very different. What do you think “the new normal” should look like?

3) Do you know of any artists who may want to join in the conversation, and can you help us reach them?

Sarah also said:

We welcome challenges and questions at any time, and we will always attempt to be as transparent as possible. We welcome questions, ideas, suggestions, ambitions and dreams. We are doing lots of great things, and I am proud of that. We don’t always get everything right. We need you, and whatever the future holds, we need to take you with us.
Sarah Brigham

Join The Conversation

To get in touch to respond or discuss any of these questions, artists can email Sarah Brigham at or Stuart Allen, Senior Producer at

More open Zoom conversations will be announced soon, to continue the discussion and focus conversations on audiences, our communities and working with young people.

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To keep up-to-date with the latest opportunities, please follow @DerbyTheatre and @IngoodcoEM on Twitter and subscribe to Derby Theatre’s mailing list and IGC’s Artist Network newsletter.