Independent Producer Residencies Programme – APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN!

Published Monday 30th Jan 2023
Thank you for your interest in the Independent Producer Residencies Programme with Derby Theatre and In Good Company, generously supported by the Jerwood Developing Artists Fund.

The Independent Producer Residencies Programme will support 8 early-career producers across 2 years to develop their professional practice in a meaningful and practical way, pairing training, mentorship, and hands-on experience to introduce new producers to the basics, develop their skills and give them real time experience of producing their first production.

Derby Theatre launched its artist development strand In Good Company (IGC) in 2013. In Good Company has now grown into becoming an independent organisation, with 11 venues supporting as partners. Together, they have placed the Midlands on the map as a region that supports a thriving independent theatre sector.  There is a distinct lack of producers across the industry, and this is magnified in the Midlands.  Through this scheme, we aim to identify and develop the most talented and promising producers of the future.

We hope this information pack will provide you with all the information you need. If anything is unclear, or if you need any support in making your application, please email

What does the programme look like?

This is a freelance, self-employed contract for 12 months, starting approx. April 2023. If you need support becoming Self Employed, IGC can offer guidance with this. There are four positions available in this first year of the programme.

Each early-career producer will be paid a total fee of £4,800, which equates to approximately 24 days’ work, at £200 per day. The 24 days will cover:

  • Working on projects and in departments within Derby Theatre to gain an insight into a regional theatre (approx. 10 days).
  • Being paired with an independent company or artist in the region to work on a production as Assistant Producer (approx. 10 days).
  • Dedicated training sessions with In Good Company, covering all the ‘nuts and bolts’ of producing such as fundraising, budgeting, negotiation, tour-booking etc. (approx. 2 days – likely split into sessions).
  • Mentoring with the In Good Company and Derby Theatre teams (approx. 2 days – likely split into sessions).

As this is a freelance, part-time engagement, it is expected that the producer will have other work commitments. The types of projects and companies that the producer will be paired with will depend on the individual’s availability and interests. The allocation of days listed above is intended as a guide, we want to be flexible and work out the most beneficial plan in collaboration with the successful candidates.

In line with self-employed contracts, the individual is responsible for their own National Insurance contributions and tax obligations.

The individuals should have a base in the Midlands, as work is likely going to be split between working remotely, on-site at Derby Theatre, and other locations in the region dependent on project. Reasonable travel costs will be covered.

We will be aiming to work with 4 producers for the first year between April 2023 and March 2024, where hopefully, the 4 individuals can also provide peer-to-peer to also support each other.

Who is this residency for?

  • This is an entry-level scheme, designed to support individuals to take their first steps into producing.
  • We’re keen to see that you have an interest in making theatre happen, from an administrative/business perspective. If you’re wondering about questions like: -Where does the money come from to pay artists? How does a venue choose what work to put on? Where do we find audiences? How do we find collaborators? – then this residency will hopefully be meaningful for your development.
  • We’re not expecting any previous experience, but if you’ve made something happen, it could be a friends’ birthday party, or taking your production to a Festival, or something in between, we’re keen to hear about it.

At the end of the residency, we hope you will:

  • Have built a supportive peer-to-peer network with other producers in the cohort and the region.
  • Have gained a comprehensive understanding of how a regional theatre and an independent company operates, and how the two collaborate with each other.
  • Have gained knowledge about the different stages of developing theatre production, and what is required to make it happen.
  • Through mentoring, have a better understanding of what types of theatre you like as a producer and what areas of producing you like more than others.

By the end of the residency, we hope you will feel more confident in writing and submitting funding applications for projects and/or securing future work as an Assistant Producer with venues or companies.  Mentoring from Derby Theatre and In Good Company will aim to align work during the residencies towards your onward goals.

This is just a guide to give you some ideas, we’re open to working with the right candidate and be flexible with our support.

How To Apply

In the application form, we will ask you to answer 3 short questions and supply a CV, the questions are:

1. If there are no restrictions, and budget isn’t an issue, what would you choose to put on
Derby Theatre’s stages? (approx. 200 words).

2. Tell us more about you and any experience you have in making events happen (it doesn’t have to be theatre). (approx. 200 words)

3. What are the skills you think you’d be interested in developing during your time with us? (approx. 200 words)

4. What is your connection and commitment to creating theatre and cultural experiences in the Midlands? (approx. 200 words)

There will also be an opportunity to provide information about your availability/schedule between April 2023-March 2024 and to tell us about any access requirements you may have and things we can do to help you do your best work.

Apply via:
We can accept video applications.

More support can be offered

If you would like to discuss an alternative way of applying, or if you need any further support, advice or guidance, please do not hesitate to get in touch at:


Deadline for applications: Monday 27 February, 10am.

All applicants will be informed by 5pm on Monday 6 March (whether they have been shortlisted or not).

Interviews will be held on Tuesday 14 March either via Zoom or in-person at Derby Theatre. Please indicate if you are not available on this date and we will aim to arrange an alternative interview date.

Start date will be around April 2023 (dependent on availability and a starting date to be mutually agreed).

For those shortlisted, we will send you all the information you need including the interview questions and information about who will be on the interview panel at least 2 days before the scheduled interview date.

We will aim to provide a generic feedback statement outlining our shortlisting decisions to all applicants, and personalised/detailed feedback will be provided to everyone shortlisted for interview.

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