Separate Doors to deliver training workshops on inclusive and integrated theatre

Published Thursday 30th Dec 2021
As part of Writing Tomorrow's Theatre project, join a series of free workshops in January and learn about a unique way of making theatre for everyone.

Separate Doors is coming to Derby Theatre in January, along with its national integrated ensemble of 13 actors with, and without, learning disabilities and neuro-diversities, as part of their Writing Tomorrow’s Theatre project.

Working on four new short plays by writers Elizabeth Kuti, Lydia Marchant, Sarah Middleton and Lou Ramsden, the company will host a series of FREE workshops and invite theatre professionals, students, and makers to learn about their unique way of making theatre for everyone – the Silent Approach.

Their method, The Silent Approach, offers a way for non-disabled directors, actors, writers, and producers to include learning disabled and neuro-diverse people and actors in general audience programming.

Their major project, Writing Tomorrow’s Theatre, offers training for professionals in the potential of integrated theatre made using an inclusive approach.

Free Workshops

Writing Tomorrow’s Theatre Sound Workshop

Tue 11 Jan, 10am – 11am

Writing Tomorrow’s Theatre Movement Workshop

Tue 11 Jan, 11am – 12pm

Writing Tomorrow’s Theatre Writers’ Workshop

Tue 11 Jan, 2pm – 3pm

Writing Tomorrow’s Theatre Silent Approach Workshop with Ness Brooks

Tue 11 Jan, 4pm – 5:15pm

Writing Tomorrow’s Theatre Relaxed Silent Approach Workshop

Wed 12 Jan, 11:30am – 12:30pm

Free Performance

Following the series of workshops, both participants and audiences can attend a FREE performance of the four new short plays on Wednesday 12 January at 1:45pm.

Ways to Get Involved

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